Monday, November 06, 2006

Mountain Top Removal and Recycling

After attending the presentation on Mountain Top Removal and seeing the devastating results of this terrible method of obtaining coal, I found myself more aware of the wasted energy around me. I've always been one to shut off the lights when I leave a room and to recycle a can or bottle rather than toss it in the garbage. Sometimes knowing the facts helps to make people more away of the energy they are using. So I've found two sites with some interesting facts about recycling.

This site is organized into specific recycling categories.
Although I found many of the facts on this second site helpful, I do not like the way they organized the facts. The first fact states that "aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth's crust and is the earth's second most used metal". Now the people who need to know more about recycling might think, "Well it is the third most abundant metal, so what is the harm in throwing it away?". I think this fact is one of the least important, and should not be listed at the top.

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