Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back on Blogging

The BBC World service jumped on the shooting in Pennsylvania (as did every other major news source for the most part). This may seem an simplistic stab in the dark, but I think it is interesting the dichotomy of a an extremely isolated community suddenly brought into focus by the world. Second, other news media, just as ours has apparent lucidity in examining the middle east, has made the actions of one disturbed individual a prop for those criticizing the American gun culture as proposed by the infallible Michael More.

Back to my first point. It is amazing to see pictures of a community that is isolated from the modern world in our country posted all over the world. It could almost be similar to us seeing mountain villages in Afghanistan after the intrusion of a foreign violent event into their life. I know this is an odd comparison.

As I drove down the highway listening to the radio, it re-dawned on me the effect that globalization has had on understanding of events. There is little compunction about highlighting the bias of American media with little in the way of external bias in others. This relates to my earlier belief that in this global world, objectivity is an illusion and that constant examination must occur to find out some reasonable account of world events.

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