Sunday, October 01, 2006

America as an Empire...

I would like to answer ES's initial question without referring to any scientific sources or newspaper articles, because I think the question aims at our personal point of view and not what so and so wrote in this or that paper, but please correct me if I am wrong!

I think that America could be definetely understood as some kind of a new empire that tries to maintain its hegemonic status, because we must bid farewell to the oftentimes "romatic" concept of the English Empire. We do live in the 21st century and nevertheless the way the USA tries to maintain its status has even changed since the turn of the 20th century and especially since 9-11...

Almost every blog posting about this topic agrees on the fact that the foreign policy has changed, but what about what has changed inside the USA? I think that we should firstly look at the domestic level, before we look at the foreign one! Because the most important step for maintaining America's status, is its inner stability...

For instance, as what would you qualify the whole Patriot Act (what an euphemism!!!) , if not as a very strong recess on your personal rights or the rights of the common people in order to keep them quiet and under control ?!?

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